28–30 Jun 2021
IWH Heidelberg (Germany) + online
Europe/Berlin timezone

Entropic entanglement criteria in phase space

29 Jun 2021, 16:00
IWH Heidelberg (Germany) + online

IWH Heidelberg (Germany) + online

Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg Hauptstrasse 242 D-69117 Heidelberg


Tobias Haas (Heidelberg University)


Typically, entropic uncertainty relations and inseparability criteria are formulated for marginal distributions in phase space. In this talk, I discuss an approach based on the Husimi Q-distribution, which can be measured following the heterodyne detection protocol. The associated entropy, known as the Wehrl entropy, fulfills an entropic uncertainty relation and can be used to construct entanglement witnesses. In particular, I will discuss the Wehrl mutual information, which is a perfect entanglement witness for all pure states, and I will derive a general inseparability criterion based on the Wehrl entropy, which certifies entanglement in previously undetectable regions.

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