The EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force (RRTF) "Next Generation Facility for Forward Physics at the LHC" brings together experts on beam optics calculations at the LHC, members  of the experimental forward physics programme at the LHC, and members of the theory community interested in the many unsolved mysteries of Quantum-Chromodynamics which emerge at very forward rapidities at the LHC. 

Many forward and very forward measurements at the LHC are of high relevance to the cosmic ray community. Leading experts of this community contribute their expertise in the discussions. The physics  of very forward measurements at the LHC has many connections to the physics programme at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) to be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Representatives of the EIC are on this task force to map out the synergies between the forward physics programmes at these two colliders.

The following physics topics are discussed in dedicated sessions at this workshop

  • Central production with tagging of protons in final state
  • Single and double diffractive dissociation in pp-collisions
  • Diffractive bremsstrahlung
  • Photon-proton cross section
  • Gluon saturation scale in heavy-ion reactions
  • Coulomb excitation and deexcitation in heavy-ion collisions



  • Rainer Schicker, Heidelberg
  • Antoni Szczurek, Krakow
Physics Institute
Golden Box
Im Neuenheimer Feld 226 69120 Heidelberg
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Participation in this workshop is by invitation.

Application for this event is currently open.