Dec 6 – 11, 2020
Passo del Tonale (TN) Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

We regret to announce that due to the uncertain Covid situation, the 2020 School is cancelled and postponed to 2021.

Link to edition 2021

The School will cover topics relevant to theoretical and observational cosmology. The aim is to bring together observation and theory: "Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists". The School is part of a series started in 2007 within the TransRegio33 collaboration "The Dark Universe". Previous editions: 2017, 2018, 2019.

The School is addressed to advanced masters students, graduate students enrolled in a PhD program, and postdocs.

The School takes place at the ski resort Passo del Tonale (Italy) 6-11 December 2020.


In case of forced cancellation of the event, the fees will be  reimbursed.

2020 Lecturers:

Marco Baldi

(Bologna U.)


Juan Garcia-Bellido

(UA Madrid)


Emille Ishida

(Université Clermont Auvergne)

Laura Wolz

(U. of Manchester)

Cosmological simulations

Testing fundamental physics with gravitational waves

Statistics in Cosmology

Cosmology with SKA

Organizers:  L. Amendola, S. Casas, M. Irfan, M. Maturi, V. Pettorino, C. Rampf,  J. Rubio, E. Villa



 Institute of Theoretical Physics
 Heidelberg University

Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
Heidelberg University
          CEA Saclay         
Passo del Tonale (TN) Italy
Hotel Adamello - Via Nazionale, 22 - I 38020 PASSO TONALE (TN) - Tel. +39 0364.903886 / Fax +39 0364.903667 /

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Title picture: Gabri80, Wikipedia, public domain