March 23, 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone


This virtual tour of the KATRIN experiment is offered as part of the program of this year's DPG Spring Meeting of the matter & cosmos section in Heidelberg.

KATRIN is a neutrino mass experiment located at KIT in Karlsruhe and aims to probe the effective electron anti-neutrino mass via a high-precision measurement of the tritium β-decay spectrum close to its endpoint.

We are looking forward to give insights in the experiment and its working principle in this guided 1h-tour. The tour will be held in English, questions can also be asked in German.

If possible, please register for the event to get short-term updates on the event.
The tour can be accessed via the following zoom-link:

Meeting ID: 683 7698 8876
Passcode: 287761




KATRIN experiment Hermann-von-Hemlholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Registration for this event is currently open.