14–18 Nov 2022
NH Hotel Bingen
Europe/Berlin timezone
Source: City of Bingen, Photo: Dominik Ketz

Stable and unstable perturbations in universal scaling phenomena far from equilibrium

17 Nov 2022, 15:30
NH Hotel Bingen

NH Hotel Bingen

Am Rhein Nahe Eck/Museumstrasse 3 55411 Bingen am Rhein Germany Phone: +49 6721 7960 www.nh-hotels.de/hotel/nh-bingen nhbingen@nh-hotels.com
CONTRIBUTED TALK (25min +5) Afternoon session


Mr Thimo Preis (Heidelberg University )


We study the dynamics of perturbations around nonthermal fixed points associated to universal scaling phenomena in quantum many-body systems far from equilibrium. For an N -component scalar quantum field theory in 3+1 space-time dimensions, we determine the stability scaling exponents using a self-consistent large-N expansion to next-to-leading order. Our analysis reveals the presence of both stable and unstable perturbations, the latter leading to quasi-exponential deviations from the fixed point in the infrared. We identify a tower of far-from-equilibrium quasi-particle states and their dispersion relations by computing the spectral function. With the help of linear response theory, we demonstrate that unstable dynamics arises from a competition between elastic scattering processes among the quasi-particle states. What ultimately renders the fixed point dynamically attractive is the phenomenon of a scaling instability, which is the universal scaling of the unstable regime towards the infrared due to a self-similar quasi-particle cascade. Our results provide ab initio understanding of emergent stability properties in self-organized scaling phenomena.

Affiliation Heidelberg University
Financial Support I apply for financial support (student application)

Primary author

Mr Thimo Preis (Heidelberg University )


Prof. Michal P. Heller (Ghent University ) Prof. Juergen Berges (Heidelberg University )

Presentation materials