14–18 Nov 2022
NH Hotel Bingen
Europe/Berlin timezone
Source: City of Bingen, Photo: Dominik Ketz

What are the time-scales of particle formation in the Schwinger effect?

18 Nov 2022, 12:00
NH Hotel Bingen

NH Hotel Bingen

Am Rhein Nahe Eck/Museumstrasse 3 55411 Bingen am Rhein Germany Phone: +49 6721 7960 www.nh-hotels.de/hotel/nh-bingen nhbingen@nh-hotels.com
CONTRIBUTED TALK (25min +5) Morning session


Mr Matthias Diez (University of Graz)


Lasers providing ultra-strong fields might allow for the first time a verification of electron-positron pair production via the Schwinger effect. Recent theoretical investigations have elucidated many aspects of this essentially non-perturbative effect. However, there is, at least, one fundamental question which has remained elusive: What is the formation time of the electron (or, equivalently, of the positron) in this process? We will discuss whether and how this question can be formulated as a well-posed problem and point out the advantages of the adiabatic particle number as a pseudo-observable in this process. Furthermore, we will analyze the numerical results obtained in Dirac-Heisenberg-Wigner formalism for time-dependent and inhomogeneous electric fields in 1+1- dimensional QED to extract at least three different time-scales which are relevant for particle formation. Hereby, the time evolution of late-time-observable quantities such as the charge density and the particle number density are studied with respect to the influence of spatial and temporal field variations. An outlook for a corresponding investigation in 3+1-dimensional QED will be given.

Affiliation University of Graz
Financial Support I apply for financial support (student application)

Primary author

Mr Matthias Diez (University of Graz)


Dr Christian Kohlfürst (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf) Prof. Reinhard Alkofer (University of Graz)

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