9:00 AM
KEYNOTE TALK Perturbative unitarization in QCD: features, consequences and universality to cold-atoms and gravity
Raju Venugopalan
10:00 AM
Dynamical bottomonium-suppression (and recombination) in AA collisions
Pol Gossiaux
(SUBATECH -- CNRS/IN2P3, IMT Atlantique, Université de Nantes)
11:00 AM
Hyperfine splitting in Li- and B-like highly-charged ions
Valeriia Kosheleva
(Helmholtz Institute Jena, 07743 Jena, Germany)
11:30 AM
A superconducting radio-frequency trap for high-precision frequency metrology of highly charged ions
Julian Stark
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
12:00 PM
The ALPHATRAP g-factor experiment
Alexander Egl
(MPIK, Heidelberg)