Dec 2 – 5, 2024
IWH Heidelberg, Heidelberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone


The multi-color Universe - A new era with Line Intensity Mapping

Conference picture is out, thanks to all participants for making this an interactive and interesting workshop!

In the wake of several new intensity mapping experiments, the prospects for multi-color mappings of the Universe are better than ever. This workshop will bring about a multi-band multi-dataset view on current and upcoming line intensity mapping (LIM) observations, their prospects for studying sources and media across cosmic time, and the state of multi-line and large-scale structure modeling. 


'The multi-color Universe' is intended to provide a platform to discuss cross-correlations and coordinate overlapping fields on-sky between different experiments. Furthermore, goal of the workshop is to push analysis and inference methods for line intensity mappings across bands.


Central themes of the workshop are:

  • Current and forthcoming  LIM experiments, in particular synergies in their analysis
  • Multi-line and/or multi-probe modelling, cross-correlations
  • Synergies with further LSS probes to learn about astrophysics and cosmology
  • Modern LSS inference for LIM and new methods (ML/AI)


We are interested in contributions that cover LIM from optical over infrared to radio wavelengths as well as synergies with other probes. We especially invite early-career researchers to submit contributions; both contributed talks and a dedicated poster session including shorter lightning talks are planned. In addition to contributed talks, we will have a number of invited science talks by international LIM experts and plan for extended time for discussions. 


Registration and Abstract Submission


The deadline for registration will be November 15th 2024. For abstract submission the deadline is October 30th November 7th. Please use the registration form provided (tab on the left) to register your application to participate in the workshop. To foster close collaborations for example with extended discussion sessions, workshop including talks will be held as an in-person event. 

There is no registration fee for the workshop. For accepted participants, free lunch and coffee breaks as as well as an evening welcome reception are included. 

There is a dedicated budget to provide financial aid for a small group of participants; please contact the organizers in case you need funding to attend the workshop, with an estimation of the total cost.


Important Dates:

- October 3rd , 2024:  Registration opens

- October 30th November 7th, 2024: Abstract submission closed

- November 15th, 2024: Registration closed

- Early-Mid November: Confirmation of participants and contributions

- December 2, 2024: Start of the workshop


Confirmed invited speakers:

Nicholas Battaglia (Cornell) - CCAT

Isabella Carucci (INAF) - Radio IM

Yun-Ting Cheng (CalTech/JPL) - SPHEREx

Hannah Fronenberg (McGill) - CMB-LIM synergies

Andrei Mesinger (SNS Pisa) - 21cm EoR synergies

Anirban Roy (NYU) - CO/CII LIM modelling

Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro (CCA) - Modern LSS analysis and ML/AI


Scientific Organising Committee:

Benedetta Ciardi (MPA Garching)

Asantha Cooray (UC Irvine)

Adélie Gorce (IAS, U. Paris-Saclay)

Anne Hutter (DAWN, U. Copenhagen)

Caroline Heneka (ITP, U. Heidelberg)

Christos Karoumpis (U. Bonn)

Shun Saito (Missouri U. S&T)


Local Organising Comittee:

Caroline Heneka (

Vrund Patel (ITP Heidelberg)

Yannic Pietschke (ITP Heidelberg)


IWH Heidelberg, Heidelberg University
Hauptstrasse 242 69117 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 62 21 / 54 - 36 90 email: web:
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