Presentation files so far, ordered by the schedule
- 1+1 Dimensional Gauge Theory: Lattice vs. Continuum (Klebanov)
- Form Factors in Integrable Quantum Field Theories Perturbed by Irrelevant Operators (O. Castro)
- Geometry in perturbative quantum field theory (Weinzierl)
- Inhomogeneous phases, anomalies, and persistent order in the chiral Gross-Neveu Model (Serone)
- Long-range field theories (Lettera)
- Algebraic paths to RG flows and their large N limits (Sundborg)
- Renormalisation of enhanced tensor field theories (Toriumi)
- BKP-relations in the Kontsevich matrix model with arbitrary potential (Wulkenhaar)
- Towards random Dirac operators (Perez-Sanchez)
- Duality of orthogonal and symplectic tensor models: tensors with symmetries (Muller)
- Strong Coupling in a four dimensional asymptotically free Tensor Field Theory (Keppler)
- On the imaginary Liouville: open questions and recent results (Santachiara)
- Phi^4_3 in de Sitter space (Dang)
- JT Gravity and Virasoro strings as random geometries (A. Castro)
- Gradient Properties of RG Flows (Stergiou)
- Conformal graphs vs thermal partition functions (Petkou)
- When Functional RG meets conformal invariance (Tissier)
- A Resurgence of Negativity in Large N Duality (Schiappa)
- Cubic defects for the quartic multi-scalar model (Harribey)
- (Pseudo-)crticality in 3D Wess–Zumino–Witten theory with Stiefel-manifold target space (Ray)
- Combinatorial Feynman Integrals and Apéry (Panzer)
- PT Symmetry - Some quantum mechanics and quantum field theory (Klevansky)
- Quantum phi^4 field theories in real dimensions (Defenu)